G’day, good on ya for having a look at my web site.

If you are a part of the team that keeps Australia’s wheels turning, then I am sure you will get a laugh and some enjoyment out of my songs.  I love a beer, don’t mind at all going fishing and wetting a line, and love spinning a yarn or three… humour is a great way to get the best out of life!

For 34 years I have spent most of my time on construction sites or on the road, be it in Australia or over seas.  All of my songs have been born from travelling, working, meeting characters and seeing the fun side of it all.  My true belief is in Aussie-ism, it works and is easy to understand: “fair go, have a go, get off your arse, and strike a blow”… works for us.

So all the best and “DONT PANIC LOOK WHERE WE LANDED” – AUSTRALIA – you little ripper!

Pedro Colum  (a.k.a. Looseman)